As the African Women Leaders Forum (AWLF), we are deeply troubled by the ongoing conflict in Sudan, which reaches its one-year mark today. This conflict has inflicted severe hardships on the Sudanese people, particularly women and girls, reversing the strides made towards democracy and stability and plunging the country into a dire humanitarian crisis.


Women and girls in Sudan are disproportionately affected by the conflict, bearing the brunt of its devastating consequences. Sudan is facing one of the largest internal displacement crises globally, with 53% of those displaced being women and girls. The escalating violence also poses a severe risk of famine, with over 7,000 new mothers facing the threat of death due to unmet nutritional and health needs.


More than 6.7 million people, predominantly women and girls, are at risk of gender-based violence, including intimate partner violence, sexual exploitation, and trafficking. The economic fallout of the conflict has further marginalized women, depriving them of livelihood opportunities and exposing them to heightened risks of exploitation and abuse.


Despite these challenges, Sudanese women and women's rights organizations continue to demonstrate remarkable resilience and courage. Their active involvement in peace processes and humanitarian responses is not only commendable but also crucial for achieving lasting peace and security in Sudan.


As AWLF, we call for immediate action to protect women and girls, empower them economically, and ensure their meaningful participation in peace negotiations and decision-making processes. We urge the African Union and the international community to prioritize resources for addressing the gender dimensions of the crisis and to invest in local, women-led organizations.


We stand in solidarity with the people of Sudan during this challenging time and call for an immediate cessation of hostilities, a return to dialogue, and respect for international law. Upholding human rights and ensuring accountability are essential steps towards building a peaceful and secure future for all Sudanese citizens.

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+263 772 481273 | +254 702 381 084